Support indie writers. Even better, support this indie writer by becoming a patron.

  • For the price of a shitty cup of coffee you get early access (30 days ahead) to all of my short stories—that’s at least four stories per month
  • Some of those stories may get accepted to literary magazines before the month is up, meaning that it will be much longer before non-supporters can read them
  • Your support puts the pressure on me to keep producing top quality content for you, the most awesome reader in the world
  • When I reach $100/month in pledges I’ll start recording audio for one of my stories each month
  • At $500/month I’ll do it for every story
Become a Patron!

PS. There is already a TON of fiction available on this site. If you haven’t read my stuff, check the main page and scroll down a bit, new stuff is always being added. A couple of my favorites:

Cheers! Scotty